HumichekTM HIC or Humidity Indicator Cards are widely used to measure humidity level inside a packaged environment..
FreppeTM, (Freshness Preserved) our brand name, is A VISION TO MINIMIZE WASTAGES AND IMPROVE THE FRESH QUALITY of produce all over the world.
Dew PouchTM Desiccants sachets/pouch/bags are used with various products to protect products from Moisture and Humidity.
Removal of gaseous impurities/contaminants is a regular requirement in industries and Commercial spaces.
Bee Chems offers the widest variety and range of chemicals used for hardening, densification, Dust proofing, abrasion resistance, wet look treatments.
Actas® Activated alumina is one of the major adsorbent/ desiccant used worldwide for moisture removal, purification and other treatments.
Sorbogel® Silica gel is one of the oldest and most popular desiccant, adsorbent and purifying agent used for a wide number of industrial and consumer applications./p>
ACIMOR is mainly used as lining or jointing material for Acid/ Chemical resistant brick and tiles.
Collaborations and access to best quality raw materials and sources of lithium helps us produce and offer many other lithium products
A speciality derivative of lithium hydroxide, Lithium hydroxide anhydrous is produced using inert atmosphere and controlled calcination.
Lithium acetate (CH3COOLi) is produced by reaction of lithium and acetic acid. It is a monovalent salt and decomposes to lithium oxide on heating.
Lithium Bromide, a product similar to Lithium Chloride is known for its hygroscopic properties.